our courses


Standpipe operations

This 16-hour course covers an overview of standpipe operations and will include approximately 2-3 hours of classroom discussing standpipe operations, pumping, problem solving, and pre/post 1993 standpipe system requirements.  Course exposes students to 2.5" hose line handling techniques, interior standpipe hook-up procedures, high rise bundle folds, hallway and stairwell stretches.  Our intention is for this to be everything for hose handling operations for the high/mid-rise fire.  We teach an emphasis on getting the first line in service as quickly and efficiently as possible and dedicating multiple people to this operation based on best past practices, NFPA standards, and standpipe system requirements.


high-rise operations

The course covers high-rise operations as a whole, including everything taught in our standpipe course, plus high-rise operations policy presentation, use of elevators in high-rise operations, ventilation considerations, common hallway rope search operations, and intro to commanding the high-rise incident.  This course is intended to leave you with a functioning high-rise operation that you can adapt to your departments staffing and policies.  If available, this course recommends the use of a high-rise building for non-destructive training.


heavy extrication

This is a 16-hour course covering the essentials of Heavy Extrication. Course is designed to build upon skills and techniques learned from basic auto extrication. This course focuses on stabilizing, lifting, and extricating from heavy vehicles such as buses, semi tractors, and industrial equipment. This is a hands-on course with emphasis on student participation.



commercial fire attack

Commercial Fire Attack is an 8-Hr course designed to better prepare firefighters for the challenges and conditions they are confronted with by commercial fires. This course covers size-up considerations, water flow needed for successful attack, and tactics for deploying resources and personnel.



Commercial Fire Operations is an 8-Hr course designed to equip firefighters with the skills to confront the numerous challenges and conditions they encounter in commercial fires. This course covers size-up considerations, and operations supporting the actions of the fire attack crew. The course teaches forcible entry and ventilation techniques for common commercial structures.


firefighter safety & survival

Students will learn to identify situations that cause firefighters to be injured or killed in the line of duty, and learn self-survival procedures. Techniques learned will be mayday transmissions, dis-entanglement, window egress, wall breaching, & SCBA confidence. 



In today’s world, Firefighters need to be able to dominate the window space. The ability to get in, manage the victim, and get out is more important now than ever before. This course covers window entries, victim grabs, drags, removals, and window exits.


rescue swimmer

This course covers flat water rescue skills for the first responder that includes swimming, victim handling, pt packaging in the water, active and passive drowning scenarios, water-based victim searches and recoveries


Beyond the Standard: Irons and Saws

Iron and saws is an 8 hour day of hands on training designed to build a foundation of forcible entry skills. This course is designed around the techniques that a 1or 2 man forcible entry team can achieve with a set of Irons, a New York Hook, and a rotary saw.

Skills to cover will include Inward Swinging, Outward Swinging, Increased Mechanical Advantage, Defeating Padlocks, Drop Bars, Carriage Bolts, Overhead Door Cuts, Cutting Positions, and Saw techniques.